Design and Technology


Intent of our Design and Technology curriculum


At Redfield we are engineers, inventors and innovators. Our Design and Technology curriculum excites, encourages and enables our children to become critical thinkers with the courage to take risks as innovators.

As part of our school community, children will develop the curiosity to use a range of tools, resources and materials, which includes links to our Computing curriculum, to create a variety of effectively constructed and aesthetically pleasing products.

By looking at existing designs, with a strong focus on the importance of evaluation, children will show compassion in reflecting on their own and others’ work. They will have the courage to adapt and improve their work, providing them with a key life skill in addition to a robust foundation for their next step of education.

Our Design and Technology projects link to our termly topics and values to ensure that our children are inspired by engineers, designers, chefs and architects, enabling them to create a range of structures, mechanisms, textiles, electrical systems and food products within real life contexts. Have a look at our DT 23-24 curriculum overview below.


DT 23-24 curriculum overview


Our Design and Technology curriculum is taught every other term, through the Design, Make and Evaluate processes, underpinned by Technical Knowledge.


  • The Design process is rooted in real life, relevant contexts, giving meaning to learning.
  • The Make process offers children a range of tools, from which they can choose freely.
  • The Evaluate process allows children to reflect upon their product, against design criteria.
  • To be successful in the Design, Make and Evaluate processes our children will make a product for a person with a purpose and be taught the technical knowledge and key vocabulary to support their learning.


Have a look at our DT 23-24 progression of skills map which includes Technical Knowledge and End of Key Stage Expectations.


Progression of skills map