Year Four

Welcome to Year 4


Narwhal Class



Narwhals are taught by Laurie until Wednesday 5th June (champion teacher to be confirmed) and our Learning Support Assistant is Aneela.

Narwhal Term 6 welcome letter


Rhino Class



Rhinos are taught by Emma and our Learning Support Assistant is Aneela.


Rhino Welcome Letter T6


Our Learning


Our Term 6 topic is ‘Music and Expression’ which links with our whole school value of the term, ‘Celebration’.

We believe it is important to make learning interesting and exciting in Year 4 and we work hard to ensure that the learning is accessible to all children in our class.

Term 6 Topic

Please click on the links below to find out more information about key learning for this term:

Year 4 writing toolkit

Shape Year 4

Statistics Year 4

Money Year 4

Recommended Reads

Year 4 Term 6 Spellings


Please see below an example timetable for our school week (please note, this is an example and may change)

 Year 4 timetable

Information for parents can also be accessed via the Seesaw app. Please speak to your teacher or the office if you need help accessing the information.

Note: Spelling Shed and TimesTables Rockstars logins will be written into the back of your child’s reading record, as well as their group's – group 1, 2 or 3 – spellings for the Term.