Ofsted and Performance


Redfield Educate Together Primary School was last inspected in May 2024.  This was a graded inspection.  The school was judged to be requires improvement in all areas.  The leadership team of the school is working on bringing rapid improvements to the school based on the Ofsted findings and other school development priorities.  A full copy of the report can be found here.


Performance Tables

 Please use the link below to access the performance tables for our school:


Statutory Assessments


We strive for excellent outcomes for our children across all areas of the National Curriculum.  In primary school, there are several statutory assessments that take place:


Reception baseline assessment: this is undertaken for each child when they start their reception year.  It involves a conversation between the child and an early years practitioner, who will use nationally produced materials to assess where each child is on entry to reception.  It will be used to measure how each child progresses through primary school (when compared with end of KS2 outcomes).

End of early years assessment: when children finish reception, they will be assessed against the early years framework.  To get a good level of development (GLD), each child will need to achieve ‘expected’ in literacy, mathematics, physical development, communication & language, and personal social & emotional development.  This assessment is completed by each child’s teacher and is based on the work children do in class.

Y1 phonics screening: at the end of year 1 (in June), each child will be assessed on their ability to use phonics effectively through reading 40 words, some of which are nonsense (made up so that children must rely solely on phonetical knowledge to decode them).  Each child will be assessed one-to-one with a known adult, usually their teacher. 

Y2 phonics re-check: the year 1 phonics screening check is repeated for children in year 2 who did not achieve the pass mark at the end of year 1.

Y4 multiplication tables check (MTC): at the end of year 4, children are assessed in their knowledge of multiplication tables (up to 12 x 12) through answering 25 questions.  This test is administered online.

End of key stage 2 assessment: at the end of key stage 2 (year 6) children complete previously unseen reading, mathematics and grammar, punctuation & spelling tests.  These are administered by school staff but are taken under strict exam conditions.  For some children with additional needs, certain adjustments are permitted to be made (statutory guidelines must be adhered to).  Additionally, at the end of key stage 2, each child has a writing assessment completed by their teacher.  Judgements are made against the national teacher assessment framework.